This FX animation course is designed to teach how to animate your own destruction scenes -
with Anime-style Yutapon cubes and dust FX. An ideal course to supplement Getting Started in 2D Animation.
with Anime-style Yutapon cubes and dust FX. An ideal course to supplement Getting Started in 2D Animation.
IN-DEPTH ANIME BREAKDOWNSLearn how this effect works in real successful anime shows like My Hero Academia, One Punch Man and Gurren Lagann.
STEP-BY-STEP WALKTHROUGHNot just theory. I lead you through an example scene with step-by-step instructions. By the end, you will have an animation of your own.
REFERENCE STUDIESYou will learn how to analyze real live-action reference, breaking down the sequences and understanding how they move.
FINAL RESULTBy the end of this course you will be able to create an animation sequence like this one I made.
NEED TO LEARN THE BASICS?I have made a comprehensive course which will get you up to speed with the foundations of animation, drawing, storyboarding, software and more.